The Great American Ammo Crisis is Upon Us and Could be PERMANENT

Claim a FREE Copy of AMMO INDEPENDENCE Today and Learn How to Survive ANY Ammo Crisis and Build Your 10k Bullet Stockpile!

WARNING: America Faces “Grave" Attack by New Cyber Doomsday Weapon that Could Lead to a Multi-Year Nationwide Blackout! 

WARNING: America Faces “Grave" Attack by New Cyber Doomsday Weapon that Could Lead to a Multi-Year Nationwide Blackout! 



And We'll Ship Your Copy to Your Doorstep ASAP!

America is on the brink of an unthinkable attack by our enemies that will leave the country without electricity for up to two years, with defense and critical infrastructures crippled and the country on the verge of TOTAL collapse.

Defense experts say this horrifying type of attack is greater than that of 9/11 and the attack on Pearl Harbor combined! And it is much more likely to occur than an armed invasion, a nuclear attack, an EMP bomb or another terrorist attack on American soil. 

I want to send you a FREE copy of my new book The Great Dark Threat. This book is your family’s blueprint for not only surviving…but thriving should such an unfathomable scenario play out. Click the button below to claim your free copy now and I’ll ship it to your door as soon as possible!

FACT: An Estimated 286 MILLION Americans Would Die from Starvation, Disease and Societal Collapse if America’s Grid Collapses for More than a Year!

As of this moment, Russia, China, and a "few other countries" can decimate our power grid and destroy our way of life in a matter of minutes...

….North Korea, Iran, and Iraq are all on the brink of being able to launch such an attack...

And... God Forbid ... if the Taliban, ISIS or Al-Queda gets their hands on this weapon it'll surely be LIGHTS OUT for America.
According to the Wall Street Journal, if America’s power grid went down for a year…as many as 286 MILLLION people would die from starvation, disease, and the collapse of society as we know it. 

Actually, the first graves would be dug within days. Patients who rely on life support, home oxygen machines or life-saving pharmaceutical drugs would be the first to perish.

A total blackout would also instantly crash the financial markets, halt all traffic systems, ground all air traffic and turn our defense systems to mush. 

The average American family would run out of food in a matter of days, and you wouldn’t be able to rely on the grocery store to refill your pantry.

This is because nearly all grocery stores in America run on a “just in time” delivery system, meaning they only have enough food on the shelves to last a few days.

President Trump was Very Worried and Was Secretly Preparing for a “Long-Term Power Outage” from this Cyber SUPER-WEAPON…

President Trump knew that this type of attack targets America's Glass Jaw and is the undisputed #1 threat to our very existence and if our enemies decide to launch this...

...It'll knock us into the dark ages and unleash a fury of violent food riots, water "civil" wars and deadly disease pandemics all at the same time. 

The truly terrifying thing is all of this happens without a missile ever being launched... without terrorist or soldiers on the ground and without a single shot being fired!

With just a few clicks of the keyboard, our enemies can use this "stealth weapon" to...
  • ​Decimate the entire U.S. power grid for up to two full years...
  • ​Crash our financial markets...instantly erasing TRILLIONS of dollars in wealth
  • ​Shut down our entire transportation system (planes, trains and automobiles!)
Unfortunately, within days of taking over as president, Joe Biden made the decision to undo many of Trump’s policies regarding this threat which makes American more vulnerable than ever!

Former CIA Director and U.S. Secretary of State Leon Panetta said Publicly that THIS will be Our next “Pearl Harbor” or 9/11 Type of Event...

With all due respect to Secretary Panetta, Pearl Harbor and the events of September 11th would look like child's play compared to this because America won't be able to rally and fight back after this societal and economic KNOCKOUT PUNCH. 

Beloved retired newsman Ted Koppel first talked about this issue at length in his book “Lights Out”.
And former Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano said this is the #1 threat facing the USA and it's not a matter of "if"... but "when" it will happen!

So where does this all leave you and me?

How are you going to protect yourself and your family when this nightmarish great dark threat becomes a reality?

What are you going to do when the grid goes down and we experience the longest blackout in U.S. history?

If you’re answer is that you’ll wait for the government to come in and save you I’ve got BAD NEWS for you…

According to the former Director of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, the standard procedure for a cyber attack on the power grid is “evacuation”. 

But let’s be realistic here.

What kind of evacuation can there be when the lights go out for a populous city like New York?

Where are you going to evacuate 8 million people?

And if every American city went dark at the same exact time? 

There’s no place that could hold this many people.

And the food supplies that FEMA has stockpiled for this kind of disaster? They’ve got a couple of weeks’ worth of freeze-dried food.

Beyond that? You’re on your own.

Just imagine how it’s going to be with the Army distributing the last few supplies to local neighborhoods, with millions of scared, hungry and angry people standing in line to get a couple of cans of soup and a bottle of water.

It won’t be pretty.

The threat is real and it could happen any minute.

The enemies of the U.S. are waiting for the most opportune moment…

And just like Murphy’s Law dictates: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

But let’s look a bit further into the future and see just how wrong things can go when such a scenario occurs…

What it’s going to look like...

When the ultimate cyber weapon is deployed by our enemies and the power-grid goes down, the effect will be a catastrophic chain-reaction…

First of all, it’s important to understand that all of the 3200 public power companies are interconnected.
Picture a large balloon that has 500 valves that suck in the air and 500 valves that expel it.
Keeping such a balloon afloat requires a perfect balance.

If just a couple of the valves that take in the air get closed, the balloon would quickly lose the air and collapse.

On the other hand, if there is too much air going in, the balloon will burst.
That’s exactly how the power-grid operates.

So everything that’s needed for a successful attack on the grid is for hackers to send the shutdown or overload command to just a handful of computers that control the generation or transmission of power in these power companies…

And according to Richard Clarke, former counter-terrorism advisor for President Bush, this destructive chain effect will take down the ENTIRE U.S. power grid…in under 15 minutes!
To compound the situation, the first thing that will get overloaded and damaged will be the electrical generators themselves.

And since these are made outside the country and are custom built, they take 18-24 months to be replaced!

Weather, GPS navigation and communication satellites will become inoperable within hours of the attack…

…Which means no airplanes, no freight trains and no cargo ships will be coming in to replenish much needed food and supplies across the country. 

Traffic lights will be out nationwide which means our nation’s roadways will be in gridlock and gas stations will run out of gas in a matter of hours.

Cities will be completely without food in about 3 days and much of the food will be spoiled anyway due to the lack of refrigeration.

Drug stores and hospitals won’t receive the life-supporting medicine needed to keep millions of sick patients alive.

ATM machines will be non-functional, which will cause panicked citizens to make a run on the banks.

The water filtration systems will cease functioning, leaving people without access to clean water, which highly increases the possibility of a pandemic breaking out.

The first thing the Army will do when the lights go out is instate Martial Law in order to keep public order.

But good luck keeping hundreds of millions of people under control, especially in the big cities.

It’ll be 1000 times worse than the rioting we saw in the streets of Ferguson in 2015 or Portland in 2021.

Without lights, without heating, water and food, and certainly without any internet, TV or gadgets to distract them, people will panic, revolt and start fighting between each other.
The worst part is that those who live in or near the cities will be the most unprepared.
With no food, no water and no survival skills, these unfortunate souls will die.

When you’ve got millions of people concentrated in a small area without no food, water, heating or entertainment, the big city turns into CONCRETE HELL.

Sure, it might not happen in the first week of the blackout.
But after the first month, you can be sure that there will be several million people dead either from starvation, dehydration, disease (due to no access to clean water) or just plain violence and aggression.

So what exactly can you do to prepare you and 
your family for this UNIMAGINABLE CRISIS?

Let me take just a moment here to formally introduce myself.
My name is Keith Jacobs. You may know me from one of my websites including or

Or you may have seen my warning messages on sites like World Net Daily, The Blaze and other patriot publications and email newsletters.
Some refer to me as a doomsayer. While others call me a champion of truth.

I don’t really care for labels as long people wake up, listen to the truth and take whatever action is necessary to protect themselves and the ones they love.

Because when this attack occurs and the potentially years-long blackout begins, people WILL suffer.

I’ve spent the past 4 years extensively researching the topic and consulting with the top survival minds and I’m proud to debut what I believe to be the definitive guide to surviving (and thriving) during and after a cataclysmic cyber war attack. 

Put simply this is a guide that teaches you everything you need to know when a prolonged blackout occurs and leaves America without electricity for months or potentially even years on end.

Look, I’ve put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into the creation of this book and I’ve worked my tail off to find a publisher brave enough to put it into print and hopefully I’ll be able to eventually recoup the small fortune I put into getting in to made. 

My publisher has told me they plan to eventually sell The Great Dark Threat for as much as $37... 

…But with the threat of a full-scale cyber-attack having never been greater, my goal is to get this book into the hands of as many Americans as possible. 
Fortunately, I’ve worked closely with our publisher to be able to offer up the first batch of 500 books for FREE.
All you need to do is cover the modest price of shipping & handling, and I’ll ship the book to your doorstep ASAP!

Inside this Lifesaving Book you will learn:

What to expect should the unthinkable worst-case scenario cyber war blackout event unfold

You will learn the 18 sectors of industry that will be targeted immediately by our enemies…

…They know taking out just a handful of these sectors will lead to extraordinary loss of life and the end to life as we know it. 

Critics of the cyber war threat say it will never happen for the same reason that nuclear war hasn’t happened: mutually assured destruction. 

But you’ll see why that premise is flawed when it comes to cyber warfare and why the threat of this type of attack is significantly higher than nuclear war even though the loss of life could be on the same level. 

In the next chapter you’ll learn how to survive in the immediate hours and days after a devastating attack.
This includes the important documents you must have on hand in order to have access to needed services (remember: without computers, authorities will only distribute benefits to those who can prove that they qualify!)

And you’ll also discover the “papers” you need to have on hand to prove your right to access relief supplies and to prove the ownership of your important assets.

How to build your own backup power source. 

Whether you choose solar or wind, we’ve got step-by-step instructions for how to build a backup power generator from scratch…no matter your skill level or budget. 

Once you have your generator built, you’ll have complete piece of mind that you can keep your family warm and your refrigerator running for the duration!

The 36 Specific foods to stockpile to feed your family for an blackout.

You get an itemized list of exactly the foods you should hoard starting today to survive a prolonged outage. 

You’ll learn exactly how much food you'll need to stockpile depending on the size of your family…and how to get it done on a budget!

Next we’ll cover how much water you’ll need for drinking, cleaning and more (hint: it’s a lot more than you think!). 

How to Handle Health and Sanitation when the Toilets don’t run anymore!

This is a chapter that most people don’t even consider when thinking about a long-term crisis.

We go into detail on how to handle waste removal and sanitation to keep your family safe and healthy. 

Remember, disease from dirty water and feces is one of the biggest killers in any area with limited power. Don’t let your family become victims! 

The Ultimate Home Defense Supply List. 

We’ll give you a list of what you need to properly defend your family and property against looters and other thieves. 

Remember, it won’t just be the “bad” guys after your stockpile when the lights go out. Neighbors, acquaintances and other nice people turn ugly fast when their families are starving or dying of thirst. 

Post-Blackout Collapse Commerce Survival Tips.

Once it is obvious there is no end in sight to the blackout, money will lose its value fast and credit cards won’t be worth anything either. 

To survive in this dark world, you'll need to learn the art of bartering. 

I'm going to reveal 100 items that will be worth their weight in gold after a crisis!

And I'm going to reveal how you can have an UNLIMITED bartering capability even if you lose everything you own! Hint: what you know becomes more important than what you own in this new economy!

We’ve also got checklists and much more!

What I’ve shared so far is just a fraction of what’s contained in this “total” cyber blackout survival guide! 

It’s so loaded with information that you could get a little overwhelmed when you first go through the book. 

Don’t worry; I’ve got some checklists in the back to make it easy to remember exactly what you need to get started. 

Now that I’ve shared a few highlights of guide, let me tell you the most valuable thing about it (hint: it’s not just the knowledge!). 

What you’ll value most is having the certainty that you’ve covered all bases, having secured your family with all they need when a months or years long blackout scenario occurs.

While others will be struggling, panicking and becoming desperate enough to resort to violence just to have something to eat…
…You will have comfort and peace-of-mind, knowing that you’re set no matter how long the nationwide blackout lasts.

While the people in the city are going clueless about their day, being completely dependent on electricity and the government to provide for them.

You will be 100% independent, living entirely off-the-grid, not having to ask or wait for anyone to “come and save you”.
All you need to do is take action NOW and click the green buttons on this page, while supplies last.

If there are copies left from this first run, then the book is yours at NO CHARGE!

All I ask is that you cover the modest shipping & handling fees and I’ll get it in the mail to you PRONTO!

Once these initial 500 copies are gone, I’ll most likely be forced to start selling The Great Dark Threat at the normal price of up to $37.00 a copy!

And if you decide to act right now, I’m going to include the following special bonus add-ons…

Bonus #1: The “Off the Grid” Survival Guide

This super helpful PDF guide valued at $24.99 contains very helpful information on surviving “off the grid” during a prolonged power outage. 

It covers alternative energy solutions including solar, wind, geothermal and hydroelectric. This is a great companion guide to The Great Dark Threat. 

You get instant downloadable access to it as a free gift for being one of the first to order a copy of The Great Dark Threat. 

Simply order now and get this free bonus offer during this limited time special. 

Bonus #2: The Bug Out Survival Guide

In a worst case scenario cyber war attack, your ideal plan will be to stay inside your home and hunker down.

However, depending on the situation this may not be possible. You may be forced to "bug out" to an alternate location.

In this life-saving guide, you will get comprehensive plans for “getting the heck out of dodge”.
You’ll learn all of the must-have items you should already have in your bugout bag…

…Plus you’ll learn how to make sure your vehicle is always ready and how to select the perfect “bug-out destination”. 

This book on its own sells for $29.99, but you get the PDF ebook version for FREE today by ordering your copy of The Great Dark Threat. 

Click the green button below to claim these special bonuses along with your FREE copy of the ultimate guide to surviving a cyber war. 

Claim your FREE Copy of The Great Dark Threat Today and Get Your Family Prepared for the Coming Cyber Blackout Event…

What Our Customers have to Say About Us…

“I was shocked when I learned about this frightening threat to our country. This book has given me peace of mind that my family will be able to weather the storm should Putin or some other enemy launch a cyber war attack on us.”
- Jake G.

“Honest seller! Best Conservative products on the internet-have ordered numerous times, and will order again! Try them, you'll like them!”
- Mitch L.

“It is alarming that our country is so vulnerable to this type of attack and that we could be catapulted back into the dark ages if our enemies use it against us. This book scared me enough that I’m developing a plan for my family to survive if we get attacked in the future.”
- Jason K.

“Very fast shipping, product was exactly like it showed in the photo and great quality.”
- Ron V. 

“These were shipped in such a timely manner, and just what was advertised. Love them.”
- Jacquelyn W. 

“Received items promptly and in good condition. Good quality, reasonable prices.” 
- H.H.

“Great products, fast service, couldn't be better! Thanks for making it happen so quickly.”
- Doris C

Don’t Wait for the Grid to Go Down! Get Prepared for this Unimaginable Cybergeddon Event Starting Now…

As you’ve seen from the evidence I’ve shown you and all the expert opinions you’ve heard, when this cyber blackout occurs, those who are unprepared won’t just experience tremendous hardship.

Their entire lives will change…for the worse…overnight.

If you get the book, you will be armed with all of the information you need to not just survive, but thrive during and after a prolonged cyber blackout event.
At this point, as I see it, you have 3 options…

1 – Ignore the writing on the wall and hope things don’t get worse.
Maybe you’ll get lucky and find all the ammo you need at your local shops or online. While you may get lucky, your long-term ammo survival needs can mean life-or-death. I’m sure that, just like me, you would rather be prepared than hope you just get lucky and find what you need.

2 – Accept the bleak ammo crisis outlook, do your own research and come up with your strategies.
This is better than #1, but do you have the time? Are you willing to risk not having what you need?

And will you be totally confident that you have all the skills you need to be truly ammo independent for your lifetime?

If you want to do it on your own - I truly commend you. But wouldn’t it be better if you just saved time and hassle and went for the tried & tested option below?

3 – Get “The Great Dark Threat” for FREE and start preparing today.
You won’t have to guess. You won’t have to search. Just get the book and turn to the chapter you’re most interested in learning about.

Follow the step-by-step instructions to be 100% safe and prepared for this or any other future ammo crisis.

Trust me, if things get worse – and they very well could – you will have peace of mind with this book on your shelf that you and your family will have the ammo you need to go hunting, go to the shooting range, defend yourself or more.

If you’ve made it to this point on the page, you know you want this book and why not get it while it is FREE?

Simply click the button below and enter your shipping details and we’ll get it out to you ASAP!
I am more than confident that you will be amazed at the amount of helpful and actionable information you will find within this short, but value-packed book.

And I sincerely hope it helps you become more resilient and self-sufficient in your ammo stockpiling.

Thanks for your time and best of luck,

Keith Jacobs,
Survival & SHTF Preparedness Expert
P.S. Just in case you’ve been skimming this letter, I am offering to send you a copy of the “AMMO INDEPENDENCE” book for FREE (just cover the small shipping and handling fee). Inside you will find out how to find ammo during any shortage, how to reload your spent ammunition, how to make your own ammunition, how to store and hide your ammo plus so much more!.

Claim Your FREE The Great Dark Threat Book Today!

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